Women in Computer Science

Boston University

Some Statistics

18 % CS/IT degrees earned by women
53 % of women leave the tech industry (vs 31% of men)
7 % of parters at top VC firms are women
11 % of executive positions held by women at Silicon Valley companies

About Us

The Women in Computer Science Club at Boston University is an inclusive community dedicated to empowering women who are interested in technology. Our club serves as a supportive space where members are fully encouraged to participate and excel in the tech world. Through organized social or networking events, professional workshops, or guest speaker presentations, we foster a strong sense of camaraderie and mentorship among our members.

Getting Involved

Check out our calendar to find out more on future meetings and activities. The best way to follow what we are up to is through subscribing to our newsletter list. You could also follow us on Instagram or contact us via email: wics@bu.edu


We are open to corporate sponsorship. With your support, we can conduct additional programming aimed at outreach and community-building internal events. Become a sponsor and make the tech industry a more inclusive and welcoming community along with us!
If you are interested, please reach out at wics@bu.edu.

WiCS E-Board | Gal-entines 2023


President | Grace Dai

Grace is currently a junior majoring in Computer Science and Statistics. She was born and raised in Michigan in the Detroit metropolitan area. She’s interested in software development and big data analysis. At school, she is an organizer for BU’s annual hackathon, BostonHacks, and the President for WiCS. In her free time, she enjoys reading, playing tennis, and going to concerts. Her email address is gracedai@bu.edu.

Vice President | Tiffany Yu

Tiffany is a junior at Boston University studying Computer Science. In addition to being the Vice President for WiCS, she is the VP of Women Empowerment in The Professional Tech Fraternity Kappa Theta Pi, a Teaching Assistant for the Combinaton Structures course at BU, the Secretary of BU Verge, and an acvite member of BU MiXx. She is interested in using Machine Learning for impactful Data Science and Data Analysis on real world problems. She can be reached via her email, tyu9@bu.edu.

Secretary | Selina Manua

Selina is a sophomore at Boston University studying Data Science. She was born and raised in Jakarta, Indonesia. She is especially interested in utilizing data science in the business sector. In her free time, she enjoys reading and watching K-Dramas. Her email address is sjmanua@bu.edu

Treasurer | Stella Zhai

Stella is currently a junior majoring in Computer Science and Economics. She is from Nanjing, China, where there are various kinds of delicious food. In her leisure time, she enjoys watching animation and playing badminton. Her email address is zhstella@bu.edu

Events Coordinator | Margo Miller

Margo is a junior studying Computer Science and she is one of our Events Coordinator. Aside from WiCS, she is an active member of the BU Ski and Snowboarding club. She also worked for the BU Artemis Project Summer 2023 as an instructor, teaching 9th grade girls Computer Science. Outside of school, she loves anything to do with mountains, skiing, rock climbing, hiking, and mountain biking. Her email address is mfmiller@bu.edu

Events Coordinator | Angela Zhu

Angela is a sophomore majoring in both Psychology and Computer Science. She grew up in Hefei, China, where her family lives. She’s interested in the intersection of psychology and tech, for example AI research in mental health. In her spare time, she‘d like to dance, explore great restaurants and watch sunsets. Her email address is yxzhu48@bu.edu

External Operation and Outreach Director | Annie Liang

Annie is a junior majoring in Computer Science with a minor in Business Administration and Management. Apart from being on WiCS e-board, she is an organizer for BostonHacks, and a course assistant for the Python course, CS111. Outside of school, she is conducting research at BIDMC to develop an AI for TTFields mappings for the human body. In her free time, she enjoys watching movies, playing tennis, and going on food crawls with friends. Her email address is aaliang@bu.edu

Internal Operation and Outreach Director | Naomy Bopela

Naomy is currently a sophomore majoring in Computer Science. Alongside being the Internal Outreach Director of WICS, she is also a part of the Internal Outreach Committee of the Black Student Task Force at BU, the Events Committee of UMOJA: BU Black Student Union, and an active member of NSBE BU. She is interested in the role technology can play in the advancement of women’s health and in decreasing disparities present within public health today. In her free time, she enjoys creative writing, reading, and baking. Her email address is nbopela@bu.edu.

Social Media Manager | Catherine Liu

Catherine is currently a sophomore majoring in Computer Science and Mathematics with a minor in Business Administration. She spends her free time drawing, dancing, or cafe hopping. Aside from WiCS, she is also a part of BU Forge Design Studios and Verge Dance and is interested in the intersection between design and technology. Reach out to her at cliu26@bu.edu.

Some Previous events
